Blue Virtuocity In an Electric Wrapper
"The band is great and lead singer Jeanie Marie is fantastic, similar to Susan Tedeschi and Bonnie Bramblett but with a unique sound of her very own. This band is on the way to become a top music act in Atlanta and beyond so come and see them now." --Barb Hilke, President Atlanta Blues Society
"Sole Travelers performed on the air at WRFG when I subbed for Marian Chappell Daigler -- they were terrific and I hope they go far in the world of music because they've got a unique sound and the devotion to the blues. Florida has something in the water that produces great blues musicians (ABB, Damon, JP, etc.)" -- Black Jack Ketchum, WRFG Morning Blues DJ, Atlanta, GA
"Of course, there are a lot of ways you can treat the blues, but it will still be the blues." --Count Basie
"And as I started reaching deeper I realized that most of the blues of that day was done by men. Women just didn't have the nerve." -- Etta James